Thursday, 25 December 2014

Babies' First Christmas Party

Since Skylar, Cedric and Ethan were home, Fion and I had been getting lots of inquiries from friends and families about visiting us.  We had been trying to defer any visitor at first in order to establish a babysitting routine and more importantly - not to expose them to any potential sickness as they were extremely vulnerable to any cold-like virus this time of the year.  With the help of my mother-in-law, Connie, we had finally got everything into a "working" routine, which not only allow Fion and I to take a minimum of 4 - 6 consecutive hours of sleep per day, but to spend some quality couple time together at least once a week!

Getting into a routine lifestyle is very important for us as it will permit us to take on more challenge in life, such as, opening our doors for friends and families to visit!  Yes, we are ready and the doors are now open to visitors!  Here are some the picture taken on our first ever baby meet-and greet party opened to all direct members of Fion's family on Christmas Day.  Mission Accomplished!  Celebrations will continue until new year!

The Christmas Tree filled with loves...  Love x 3...!!!

Group pic #1

Group pic #2

Group pic #3

Group pic #4

Group pic #5

Group pic #6 (Completed) - Left to Right, Top to Bottom.
Matthew, Cynthia, Johnathan, Elsa, Dr. George Lee
Peter, Fion, Connie, Fion's G-Ma, Fion's G-Pa
Ethan, Skylar, Cedric
Clara, Jme, Patrick, Sharon, Ryan

Elsa w/ Cedric and Sharon w/ Skylar

The boys patiently sitting in their bouncers with some of their first-ever X'mas presents!  (Left-to-Right: Cedric, Skylar, Ethan)

The X'mas outfit...  Cute Santa faces :)

Cedric closed up - "Hello" everyone

Cedric feel relaxed in bouncer

Ethan close up - zzzzZZZ...

Ethan fall asleep in bouncer - I think this bouncer is living up to its promise and it's actually work!

Skylar feeling happy - He is definitely the Mr. Charm for everyone, especially ladies

Skylar cannot stop moving around in bouncer.  He is in a real good mood.

This pic is going to be my new favorite!  The 3 boys forming into a club shape 
(Clockwise starting from 12 o'clock - Skylar, Ethan, Cedric - I love this pic a lot - a special credit goes to the idea sponsor - Jme.)

Our X'mas pic not with Santa but with our beanies with lots of blessing and loves from family!!!
(Left-to-Right, Top-to-bottom; Me, Fion, Ethan, Skylar, and Cedric)

Thanks for reading and happy holiday!!!

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