Thursday, 29 September 2016

A 15M - 22M update & A Fun Day @ Whittamore's Farm (22M)

Out of the blue, I happened to type in "MnFPlus3" in Google Search and know what?  No Surprise, I find our blog "Matt & Fion Plus 3"...  I noticed it has been more than 10 months since I have last updated this blog...  Intrinsically, I have gone back to some earlier posts and begin to realize how time passed silently, and yet how much our beanies have grown since my last post about their 1st birthday back in Nov 2015!

I must admit that I was really struggling to think of a proper introduction to this post... as I haven't been able to keep the blog updated due to variety of reasons (fishing, camping, studying, working, care giving - all excuses)... Whatever, let's save the explanation to a later time...  ;)  Just as any other post I did in the past, let get started with some pics of our beanies.

- E T H A N -

One of the things most noticeable in Ethan is that he is full of character!  Ethan has a very particular temperament in which things must be done in a certain way.  For instance, Ethan doesn't like to be cuddled and will fight vigorously to find his escape.  Another example, Ethan likes to hold food with both hands, one for immediate enjoyment and one save for who-know-when-he-wants-it (just DON'T take it away from him!)...  He also likes to pick out food less favorable to him from his plate and sort them in the order he wanted to consume.  He is also a chatterbox and will speak in both English and Chinese.  He often surprises us with words that we never thought he would have picked up from our day-to-day conversations.  Ethan can be extremely focused when it comes to learning.  His language skill is by far the most advanced among the beanies, he can say all alphabets from A to Z and count from 1-10 at 20 months old!  Ethan loves to stare at anything that spins.  He especially loves his Thomas the Tank Engine set and often find him holding one engine in one hand and a cargo in the other.  Ethan enjoys most food given to him, but he is an extremely slow eater and is often the last to finish. Ethan's favorite food include NaNa (Banana), crackers, yogurt and fruits (pureed).

Ethan @ 15M - Ethan the cutie pie

Ethan @ 16M - "What?!?  Only ONE cracker???"

Ethan @ 17M - Feeling C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T

Ethan @ 20M - Ethan is playing with his favorite toy Thomas the Tank Engine

Ethan @ 22M - Ethan feeling great being outside.  He loves wearing his Toronto Blue Jays hat

- S K Y L A R -

The most noticeable thing with Skylar is his restless temperament.  He is incredibly quick and perhaps the most active among the beanies.  Skylar will climb up and down and run all around the house to explore areas so long as he could set his foot in.  From underneath the sofa to the bedroom closet, Skylar will somehow find his way in!  Skylar hasn't learnt how to be gentle yet, so we often find black and blue marks covering his arms and legs.  However, Skylar is exceptionally resilient, so these little bumps and hits don't seem to bother him!  Skylar's reading skill is somewhat limited by his restlessness.  He can barely say 1/3 of the 26 alphabets and count only up to 5.  Skylar enjoys having company and could spend a long time in your arm or sitting on your lap so long as you give him your utmost attention!  Skylar will play with any toy he can get his hands on.  His favorite toy is the slide.  Skylar loves bread and will pick bread over any kind of food.  This bread favoritism will intensify when we place WOW butter on it.  Skylar is also a picky eater and doesn't like to try new food.  Skylar's favorite food are crackers, cheese, yogurt and anything taste like bread (including pizza), but occasionally he will try lasagna and meat balls.

Skylar @ 15M - Skylar patiently waiting for his foods (of course, I mean bread)

Skylar @ 16M - Skylar enjoying his cracker

Skylar @ 17M - "What?!?  I am not telling...  NOT telling..."

Skylar @ 20M - Cheetah kisses Giraffe???

Skylar @ 22M - Skylar having fun riding his swing snail???

- C E D R I C -
One of the most distinct personality traits with Cedric is that he is exceptionally caring. He like to act independently and do thing by himself. This also means that he will try to take care of his brothers and being relatively protective to his personal belonging (ie. his plush toys). Cedric is our little police officer in the house. He will serve and protect others and make certain that the house is kept in good order when he is around. For instance, Cedric will stop his brothers from wrong doing by shaking his head and shouting "NO" out loud. He is also mommy's little helper and will help picking up trashes and tidy up things around the house. Cedric doesn't talk much, but he like to sing and dance. Cedric is obsessed with plush toys, especially animal plush. He often clinging onto his plush toys when walking around the house. He will not trade his plush toys with any other toys, but foods. Cedric loves to eat crunchy foods. He loves crackers, cheese, yogurt, pizza (including crust), chicken strips and (sweet) potato wedges.
Cedric @ 15M - Cedric patiently waiting for his foods 

Cedric @ 16M - Cedric absent-minded???

Cedric @ 17M - Cedric the cutie pie

Cedric @ 18M - Cedric playing with his zoo toys

Cedric @ 22M - Cedric practicing his shoveling skills.  I am sure this will come in handy at winter time!

- G R O U P S -
The group dynamic among the beanies can get very complex as it changes all the time. In general, Skylar & Cedric appears to have a much closer bond (probably because they are identical twins) when compared to a Cedric & Ethan or Skylar & Ethan. Cedric and Ethan can get into some (minor) fist-fight at time, but Skylar normally get along well with either Cedric or Ethan. In sum, there is a definitely a complex relationship among the three of them! End of story. LOL...

ESC @ 15M - 3 beanies playing on the play mat

ESC @ 16M - 3 beanies waiting for their breakfast

ESC @ 19M - 3 beanies playing in the inflatable pool

ESC @ 20M - 3 beanies clustered together to watch TV

ESC @ 22M - 3 beanies sit quietly in their Ingenuity chairs watching TV

A Fun Day @ Whittamore's Farm

Arriving the farm.  Ethan was a bit fussy at first...

Seeing Ethan got fussy, Cedric is getting a little bit cranky too!

Skylar keeping his cool, while Fion and g-ma trying to comfort Cedric and Ethan.

Ethan has found this goat milking dummy and decided to go in for a quick squeeze!

Cedric loves watching the live stocks

Ethan loves watching the live stocks

Skylar love watching the live stocks

After a while, things starting to get boring to watch so Ethan decided to move on and look for his next target

Cedric found this sand box and decided to dig into it right away

OMG!  Cedric looked so much older in this pic

Ethan found this swinging house and ask g-ma to get him up for a ride

Ethan the horseman...

Skylar enjoying his mom's company

Aunt Menei and Cedric

Ethan riding his mini go-kart

Skylar hopped into this big farm truck, but it was too big for his feet to touch the ground.  ^_^

"Let's have a race, have a race, have a race...  Let's see who is the quickest" - one of Thomas the Tank Engine's theme song

Ethan didn't want to leave his kart behind for the next stop

Yet, Cedric is ready to move on

Skylar found a big sand box and decided to settle in

Everyone gather their tools and play in the sand box

Ethan organizing his tools

Cedric busy digging and moving the sand around

Skylar still actively running around in the sand box and found this swing dino

Cedric wanted to try this swing dino too

Ethan hopped in to join the party

And... Eventually claimed the swing dino for his own

Skylar and Cedric found this duel ride bumblebee

Skylar riding a ladybug

Mom and Skylar

Ethan enjoy playing sand

Ethan enjoy playing sand

Ethan enjoy playing sand

Skylar and Cedric busy transporting sand out of the shed

It's getting late in the day so we decided to head out.  On our way out, Ethan picked a mini pumpkin

Skylar found his mini pumpkin heavy but insisted to carry it by himself

It was a great day and we enjoy it soooooo much...

< To be continued >