Here comes the 8 month old update on the beanies. In my opinion, the best part of the beanies passed 6 months old is that they are now ready to consume solid foods! We have got many opportunities to tease their senses with different flavors! So far, we have tried many different foods and the beanies appear to develop their own favorite towards our food list. Let's take a look at this together...
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Butternut squashes
Carrots (Baby)
Congee (Plain)
Congee + Wild Salmon
Egg yolks
Sweet Potatoes
Zucchinis (Green)
Meals are served 3 times daily in combination of any 3 items from the above list. Notice how Ethan loves everything we tried on him?!? He definitely is our best eater and has volunteered to pilot all food sampling exercise that Fion worked on in the past 2 months! Skylar, on the other hand, has been extremely cautious on what he took and didn't like majority of the solids except a few fruity items. So, feeding Skylar has been extremely challenging and can be frustrating at times. Cedric is somewhere in between Ethan and Skylar. Just like Skylar, he prefers fruity foods, but will also try on grains and some vegetables in small portion. Below are some of the pictures of meals we served.
Sample Lunch Menu - Sweet Potato Congee + Peas + Carrots
Sample Dinner Menu - Butternut Squash + Peas + Broccoli + Wild Salmon Congee
Ethan is loving his meal!!!
Cedric is about to dig in his bowl...
Cedric is loving his food!!!
Skylar is not really into his solid foods...
If you can put food in Skylar's mouth, he will swallow it... The challenge here is to make him take the food without him developing negative reaction towards eating! LOTS OF PATIENCE... Feeder be warned!
- S K Y L A R -
Skylar continues to strive everyday in every possible way. He is physically superior when it comes to tummy time, head lifting and rolling around. This could be the result of his petite size. Skylar remains to be the most challenging when it comes to solid feeding. He appears to be a very picky eater. He doesn't like majority of the food that Fion prepares for the beanies, except a hand-full of fruity menu. Regardless, Skylar is estimated to weigh about 17 lbs on his 8 month old mark! Below are some pics of him.
Skylar playing with his activity table
Skylar learning to stand by holding onto his activity table
- C E D R I C -
Cedric's development has been in sync with Skylar for the most part. It is hard not to think of him as a mirror to Skylar as they are identical twins. The one thing that will noticeably divide Cedric from Skylar is that he is a bit heavier than Skylar. Cedric weighs approximately at 19 lbs, he has always been about 2 lbs ahead of Skylar every since birth. The other significant milestone that Cedric has achieved just as he was approaching 8 months is his two bottom front tooth finally broke through (x2)! I am sure that Skylar will experience the same within a week or two as the twins' developments have been in sync so far. Below are some pics of him.
Cedric playing with his activity table
Cedric is particularly interested into the microphone
- E T H A N -
Ethan loves his food and is now weight a whopping 21 lbs! Ethan's passion to food must be genetically inherited from his mom. He will put everything in his mouth - food or toys. We have to constantly remind ourselves not to over-feed him just to keep his weight in control as he is now in the 75 percentile when compared to any full-term baby. Below are some pics of him.
One of the best experiences for parents with multiples is the opportunity to witness them interacting i at a young age... Here are some of the team dynamics we captured...
Ethan (Left) + Cedric (Right)
Drop the toy (3) - C + S: Forget it...
Ethan doesn't appear to be interested in the activity table at all...
Oh well... The only thing he is interested is whether this microphone is edible...
- T E A M D Y N A M I C S -
One of the best experiences for parents with multiples is the opportunity to witness them interacting i at a young age... Here are some of the team dynamics we captured...
Cedric (Front) + Skylar (Back)
Ethan (Left) + Cedric (Right)
Drop the toy (1) - Cedric (Left) + Skylar (Right)
Drop the toy (2) - S: Can you help? C: Cannot get it...
Drop the toy (3) - C + S: Forget it...
Wrestling (1) - Skylar vs Ethan - S: Let me pinned you down on the ground
Wrestling (2) - E: Help!?!?!?
Wrestling (3) - E: Well... I am not into wrestling...
Oops! I dropped my toy again (1) - Skylar + Ethan
Oops! I dropped my toy again (2) - S: Can I have your toy, E?
Oops! I dropped my toy again (3) - S: Please... E: But I don't want to...
Oops! I dropped my toy again (4) - S: Not sharing... E: Nope!
- G R O U P P I T U R E S -
3 beanies on their bouncers
3 beanies on their Ingenuity Chairs
3 beanies on their bobby pillows - "Mommy holding" free bottle feeding
Matt with Ethan + Skylar
Fion + Cedric
Family pic #1
Family pic #2
- Our story will be continued -
Thank you for reading...