Skylar @ 5 months old
Cedric @ 5 months old
Ethan @ 5 months old
Left to right: Ethan, Skylar and Cedric @ 5 month old
So, what did all these added work on tummy time sounds to you? More work, cries, drooling, spits and chores. But you have to look on the bright side! It is a lot of photographing opportunities (cheeze and snap) while they are on their tummies. So, how did the boys do??? Pictures mean a thousand words, so let the pictures speak for the itself. Enjoy!
Tummy time @ 3 months old (Left-to-right: Cedric, Skylar and Ethan)
The beanies were struggling to lift their heads up. Cedric would try to sleep through it. Skylar would pretend to try, but not. Ethan hated his tummy time and would cry till someone help to turn him back or pick him up.
- S K Y L A R -
Skylar @ 3 month old
Sklyar loved to sleep on his tummy. His tummy time started way back when he was still at NICU!
Skylar @ 3.5 months
Skylar could lift his head with the help of his little hands
Skylar @ 3.5 months
Skylar's time on his tummy could extend when he got a company
Skylar @ 4 months
Sklyar can lift
Skylar @ 4.5 months
Skylar @ 4.5 months
In addition to lifting his head, Skylar was also able to play with his toy while he was on his tummy
- C E D R I C -
Cedric @ 3 months
Cedric didn't like to be on his tummy
Cedric @ 3 months
With the support of his hand, Cedric was on his tummy for a short time. However, he didn't seem to enjoy this posture at all.
Cedric @ 3.5 months
Cedric was having problem lifting his head
Cedric @ 3.5 months
Cedric was getting frustrated trying to lift his head
Cedric @ 3.5 months
Fion dived in for the rescue and gave Cedric some "encouragements" - Go Cedric Go~!!!
Cedric @ 4 months
At last, success!!!
- E T H A N -
Ethan @ 3 months
Poor Ethan definitely hated his tummy time. Ironically, he also was the one that required the most practices with tummy time as he was born with the largest and heaviest head
Ethan @ 3 months
Ethan's tummy time often gone wrong to this fingers sucking position rather than head lifting
Ethan @ 3 months
When Ethan lost his interest in sucking his fingers, he will turn his head side way in an attempt to steal some rest. Smart Ethan!
Ethan @ 3 months
Ethan has decided give up on his tummy time as this appears to be too difficult for him at the moment.
Ethan @ 4 months
No matter how many time we try, Ethan showed no interest in tummy time and refused to lift his head up...
Ethan @ 4 months
Ethan decided to go to sleep after a prolonged period of tummy time failed attempts
Ethan @ 4.5 months
Since Ethan insisted not to practice tummy time by himself, so an assisted approach is adopted. By holding his elbows close to his chest, but his hand underneath his head, Ethan was finally in the mood to at least try to hold his head in position - yet, he still wasn't "lifting" his head.
Ethan @ 5 months
Mission accomplished, finally... YAY!!!
Skylar and Cedric reading (pretended) during their tummy time routine
Sklyar and Ethan
Left to right: Skylar, Ethan and Cedric
Skylar and Ethan staring at each other
Ethan and Cedric. Cedric somehow found Ethan's cheek irresistible and decide to "go" for it regardless
Left to Right: Cedric and Skylar reading during their tummy time routine
Cedric and Skylar. Cedric got tired and leaned on Skylar's back for a break
Cedric and Skylar - Close up #1
Cedric and Skylar - Close up #2. Skylar is so cute in this pic!
To this end, let's triple our power and have some triplets' fun. Let's play a little game and have a triplets' tummy time competition! The winner will be the one who can remain in his tummy time position the longest. THREE, TWO, ONE, LET'S BEGIN...
Left to right: Ethan, Cedric and Skylar (starting position)
1 min passed. As expected, all is well
2 mins passed. The boys are in great shape holding onto their postures
3 mins passed. Ethan is starting to look a little shaky.
At 3.5 mins, Ethan's head is down despite his BEST effort. Ethan is out of the competition... Poor Ethan.
At 4 mins, Cedric and Skylar still remain in the game
Ethan - Close up (4 mins)
Cedric - Close up (4 mins)
Skylar - Close up (4 mins)
Ethan - Out of the competition, he decided to chew on his cloth instead.
Cedric made a little dirty trick by leaning his head towards Skylar...
"Not fair"!!! Skylar complained.
5 mins. Skylar still complaining
Ethan is getting a little sleepy watching the game
6 mins passed. Cedric still looking good and will continue if his contenders are as strong as he is
The WINNER: Cedric!!!
*** Announcement ***
It has come to my attention that some of you readers might want to receive notification on when this blog will be updated. Although announcement will usually be posted on our personal Facebook pages, but you can also go to our designated triplet fan page. Simply type in "Ho Ho Ho Triplets" and checked "Like" to begin following us!!!
Fion and I much appreciated all your support and are committed to provide ongoing updates as our triplets adventure evolve.
Thank you!!!