We didn't know that the beanies were having fever until they slept through their feeding time (around 8pm), which was unusual for the beanies as we had been feeding them around the clock every 3-4 hours for 99% of the time. It is even more rare when all three of them slept through it as usually at least one will wake up for food! (Something to watch out for in their next routine immunization - definitely.) Typically, whenever it's feeding time, Cedric will be the first to wake, follow by Ethan, then Skylar (most of the time).
Immediately after we found out about the fever, we executed the emergency protocol in great caution and administered Tylenol as instructed by Dr. VT. We had also placed a piece of damped washcloth to their foreheads to help calm them down and get rid of the excess heat from their bodies. Below are a few pics I snapped during the undertakings.
Skylar reached 102.3 degree Fahrenheit!!!
Poor Skylar fighting fever with a damped washcloth on his forehead... Skylar's response to fever was indeed a very passive one - at least for us parents - sleep through it... zzzZZZ
Cedric reached 101.4 degree Fahrenheit!!!
Poor Cedric was also fighting fever with a damp washcloth on his forehead... However, Cedric's response was very different in compared to Skylar. He appeared to get more cranky and didn't want to rest at all! Interestingly, he constantly made some "weird" noises to signal his discomfort...
Ethan reached 100.9 degree Fahrenheit!!!
Poor Ethan fighting fever with a damp washcloth on his forehead... Again, Ethan's response was very different to his two bros. He appeared to be awake, but stay calm for the most part. In fact, he actually seemed to be in good mood and wasnt bothered by the fever at all...
A fun fact: While I was administering Tylenol, I accidentally spilled a little drop on my hand. Normally, I will just wash my hand or wipe it off with a dry cloth, but I didn't do it this time. In fact, I placed the drop in my mouth and got a taste of it! Well, I didn't know what I was thinking at the moment as I hate the taste of all liquid form medications. Cherry, banana, grape... Whatever... as they all taste YUCK! Surprisingly, the taste of the infant Tylenol wasn't too bad, it actually tastes quite nice - sweet and very fruity (as labelled)... Since when did Tylenol come up with such great flavor??? Why don't they apply the same flavor to adult medicine? Well... I am drifting off side now... HAHA... Weird thought! Anyway, let's get back on track!
Thank goodness... The beanies appeared to feel better and gradually re-gain their strength and consciousnesses after the medication... So, we continued to administer Tylenol every 4 hours and monitor their temp every 15-30 mins. Below are some more pics I took after things settled a bit...
Skylar continued his sleep as mentioned earlier...
Cedric cranky no more and resting comfortably on his bobby pillow...
Ethan continued to stay COOL and chilling out in the comfort of his Grandma Connie's arms
We continued to monitor their temperature every 15 - 30 mins. It's fair to say that the beanies "hate" the ear thermometer... Ethan instinctively cried to his mom "STOP mom! STOP poking me with that thing. I don't care what it is in your hand, but it hurts me baaaaaaaaad! Wahhhhhhhhhhhh....."
A quick snapshot on the beanies... Everything had finally settled and they also returned to their sleep... A rare moment of "peace" since we brought the beanies home! Remind me of past time when Fion and I were still a family of 2. Well, things really did change A LOT in the past 10 months. I praise God for his amazing work and wonderful blessings to my family...Our lives had just gone from GOOD to GREAT!
It is important to note that at around 3am in the morning, things had all returned to normal. For precautionary purpose, we continued to administer Tylenol to the beanies until next morning. Sorry if I scared you with my title or everything I have mentioned above. Life is full of surprises (good or bad), but it's all GREAT now! =)
Thanks for reading...